Our Mission
The Church of the Messiah is a member of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Tennessee and the Anglican Communion.
Our mission is to be a growing witness to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world in the midst of our community through the worship and sacramental ministry in the Anglican tradition, in accordance with the Word of God.
As a parish we seek to grow spiritually, in our Lord Jesus Christ, through corporate devotion, study, fellowship and outreach.
We invite you to participate in the Body of Christ as we worship & serve God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Philippians 1:2
Our Story
Established in 1834, the corner stone of our current Sanctuary was set in 1887. The more than three thousand people present included Pulaski favorite son and former Governor of Tennessee, John Calving Brown, Major General CSA, as well as four Bishops of the Episcopal Church. The Church was consecrated December 11, 1887 by the Right Reverend Charles Todd Quintard, Bishop of the Diocese of Tennessee. Funds for the building were provided by Governor and Mrs. Brown, and the church was built in memory of their daughter Miss Daisy Brown. This is just the beginning of the spiritual of journey of the Church of the Messiah.
Our history reflects an unchanging witness to the Gospel through changing times in which parishioners worshiped and served as God's people in this place.
Meet the Body
We are those who have been bound together as the family of God, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Our mission is to love God and enjoy Him forever, especially by sharing His grace with each other, our community, and the world. Our outreach mission is nothing less than the world He created, Come join our ambitious project!